fail better — бесплатные учебные лекции (в основном по математике, статистике, финансам) в формате 10-15-минутных объяснений на пальцах. основная часть тем где-то от 5 класса до 2 курса универа.
Sal has an astonishingly approachable and understandable method of explaining topics in his videos, and also has an incredibly deep understanding of the material he talks about hinting at lower levels of complexity that he might be skimming over, but sometimes revisits in future videos. The Khan Academy videos are, in my opinion, perhaps one of the most interesting things to happen to education in a very very long time. If I may, "disruptive". Anyone with an Internet connection can go from basic fundamentals all the way up to a college level education in many topics in a clear, organized, understandable manner... all for free. His teaching style is more effective along many dimensions than any I have personally experienced in any classroom. Johnny Chung Lee
мне например статистика и всякие экономико-матем. модели и методы как два пальца об...
но вообще хороший проект. делает мир чуточку лучше за бесплатно.
Сюда же поддержание контекста (короткие лекции, акценты), эмпатическая связь (минимум формализма, примеры из жизни) и независимость от графика "100 часов / 4 месяца по утрам".